A Cup of Porridge


From the corner of my eye, after gazing upon a sea of young children, 450 to be exact I notice a toddler separated from the group.  I “feel” her intensity as she holds very carefully her bowl of porridge.  She is oblivious to everything around her but that plastic blue bowl of porridge.  She squats under a tree and begins to eat or dare I say devour her porridge.  I continue to watch her as she licks the entire bowl multiple times.  I am sure it was her first meal of the day at Noon.

I have been here many times before yet somehow this is different.  I can’t help but think of the morning breakfast we were provided with as well as the lunch we are served at the school.  The disconnect is as wide as the ocean.

In all its enormity and feeling overwhelmed by what we do is simply not enough a soft voice reminds me, “ We are but a drop of water in a huge ocean and each and every drop matters”. 

So let’s all keep falling into the vast ocean of love.



Susan Weber